lundi 28 novembre 2016

iOS 10.1.1 reported to drain users' batteries

iOS 10.1.1 reported to drain users' batteries
Every new OS update is expected to have bugs. Operating systems are not simple pieces of code and problems are bound to appear with each upgrade. But this one seems to be more of a major issue than a tiny bug.

A growing number of users are reporting weird battery drains with iOS 10.1.1. It appears that the affected iPhones running iOS 10.1.1 will get their power drained extremely quickly, shut down unexpectedly at around 30% charge and would refuse to turn on, due to an empty battery. Upon plugging in the charger after such a shutdown occurs, the handsets would display 30% charge after just a few seconds. Additionally, one user, who apparently has the habbit of truning their phone off when going to bed, reports that they shut their device down at 80% one night and the battery was be completely empty in the morning. After being plugged in, it displayed 30% battery level again.

According to another iPhone user, neither downgrading to 10.1 nor upgrading to 10.2 beta fixes the issue, so this bug is probably still present for some users and Apple has yet to acknowledge it.

There are many variables present in this situation. Most of the reports fail to state which iPhone model was used at the time, so it is still unknown what hardware might be affected. It is also unclear what exactly is causing the issue, due to the reports being quite vague and Apple not giving an official statement on the situation. But with increasing number of social media posts complaining about this problem, we're bound to hear more about it soon.

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