We're just a day away from the supposed launch of the OnePlus 3T, and as one might expect, there's a lot of hype surrounding the upcoming smartphone from OnePlus. The 3T will supposedly feature a Snapdragon 821 vs the 820, an AMOLED display as opposed to LED, an upgraded camera sensor, 8GB of RAM, and more. However, as much of an improvement as the OnePlus 3T looks to be, the normal OnePlus 3 is no slouch at all. The device remains one of the best values in the smartphone landscape, and thanks to the official release of nightly builds of CyanogenMod 14 for the device, it has more life in it than ever before.
CyanogenMod 14 is based off of Android 7.1, and although the builds are still in a nightly stage, they appear to be packing some pretty neat features. There's a lot of new toys to play with for customizing the status bar of the phone, including the option to adjust the look of the icons that are present in it, change the way the included clock looks, and even the ability to adjust the brightness of your phone's entire screen by sliding your finger across the status bar. These aren't necessarily groundbreaking features, but they're fun options to play with nonetheless.
As nice is these tweaks are, it is worth noting that there are still plenty of bugs present - such as the fact that the battery indicator in the status bar doesn't change its appearance when the phone is plugged in and charging. However, considering the fact that CM14 for the OnePlus 3 is still in the nightly stage, it should be stable enough to run as your daily driver as long as you're willing to put up with a few minor annoyances here and there.
If you're interested in running CM 14 on your OnePlus 3, you're willing to put up with a few bugs, and your phone is rooted, head over to this link to download it and get things started.
source: CyanogenMod via Android Authority
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