samedi 5 novembre 2016

Official-looking iPhone 7 EarPods with Lightning connector get video review

Samsung's class act to shoot sarcastic arrows at Apple during the Note 7 presentationwas actually a tangential confirmation of a long-standing rumor about the lack of a 3.5mm audio jack on the upcoming iPhone 7. Samsung's Marketing head Justin Denison, while extolling the new USB-C connector virtues and the adapter that comes with it so that "we aren't going to move to a next-generation connector and leave you behind," mentioned something pretty telling: "Do you know what else it comes with? An audio jack. I'm just saying."

If that's not enough to convince you that the iPhone 7 would indeed eschew the audio jack in favor of the existing Lightning port to plug in your earphones, you must have pretty low estimates about Samsung's industrial espionage abilities. Removing the 3.5mm jack is pretty revolutionary, despite that the new Moto Z-series pioneered the move. It will let Apple make the iPhone thinner, and still leave more room on the inside to engineer at will. 

If you are wondering how would you play music via wire now, fret note, as Apple is reportedly moving to a Lightning connector for its venerable EarPods, too. One purported video of those already leaked out, but the new clip above looks much more authentic, so you can take the alleged Lightning-equipped EarPods for a much closer inspection.


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